Tag: robin-rendle

  • On the need to disrupt the structure of a blog

    Chris Armstrong, advocating for a digital garden over a blog structure: A blog structure places the highest emphasis on ‘what’s new’… but what’s new has had the least scrutiny and little authority. Robin Rendle linked to Armstrong’s post recently and reading it reminded me of my 2011 post The blog format is ready for disruption.…

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  • How to fix the web

    Robin Rendle published Why are websites embarrasing? wherein he laments the state of design and accessibility on the web. But, he’s hopeful. “I do truly believe that a website can be as well designed as any book, just as thoughtful, just as brilliant.” I sympathize with Robin. The web, especially the news web, is a…

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  • Take care of your blog

    Robin Rendle: There will be lonely, barren years of no one looking at your work. There will be blog posts that you adore that no one reads and there’ll be blog posts you spit out in ten minutes that take the internet by storm. Checks out. I blog a lot. I’ve blogged for decades. And…

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  • Robin Rendle on blog post titles

    Robin Rendle: I love it when blog post titles are indecipherable to search engines. There are exceptions, like when you want to document a technical thing and so you should have a blog post title describe that but the majority of the time I feel like blog post titles should sound like the chapters of…

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