Tag: pandemic

  • Creatively bored

    Filmosaur*: Sure, I took a few photos here and there, but there’s no real creativity, no real meaning. Perhaps an occasional photo managed to capture something more than an utterly prosaic image, but it feels accidental rather than deliberate. So rather than bore others – again, a Very Bad Thing in my weltanshauung – I just didn’t…

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  • Nick Clayton on his pandemic photography experience

    Nick Clayton, in a beautifully written and photographed post on Casual Photophile: Walking with a camera is a moving meditation in which paramount importance is placed on being present in your surroundings. Each camera setup comes with a different way of seeing, as it were. And: I won’t lie, early on in the shutdown, with…

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  • Repost: Brent Simmons on what happens after a pandemic

    👉 Brent Simmons: I keep thinking how the 1918 pandemic was followed by the Roaring Twenties.

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