Tag: code

  • thiscodeWorks.com

    Over the weekend I was reading an interview with Patrick Collison of Stripe (who had a big weekend) and he linked to this YouTube video interview with Mishka Orakzai the founder of thiscodeWorks.com. She describes it as the Pinterest of Code. It works really well and seems super useful. She has created extensions for Chrome…

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  • GoPro open sources Camera Toolkit

    GoPro just updated their iOS app. In the release notes I noticed a link to their developer page wherein they’ve open sourced their Camera Toolkit for iOS and Android. Let’s hope a ton of bug fixes result so I can stop hacking mine.

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  • PHP is pretty bad

    Since I wrote "I’m perfectly happy using PHP” last week I figured I’d show the other side’s viewpoint as well. There are those out there that loathe the language. Evee goes off on PHP like no one else could: PHP is an embarrassment, a blight upon my craft. It’s so broken, but so lauded by…

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  • Use what works, play with the new

    I had Unmark’d Kyle Slattery’s post on his company site (which I think is rather good looking; here is why) regarding why his company uses Ruby on Rails. It is a good post. Notice this bit: It’s easy to get caught up in the newest trend, and there are lots of great technologies being developed, but…

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  • Stripe’s API documentation

    Stripe has had best-of-breed API documentation for the last several years. They’ve just made it even better with a “quickstart tour” that works wonderfully. Anyone documenting an API should look very closely at what Stripe has done. Much of their success is very likely due to them caring about their docs. /via John Collison on Twitter.

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