Tag: appearance

  • My appearance on The PublishPress Podcast

    My thanks to Steve Burge for inviting me on to The PublishPress Podcast. In this episode we chat about NerdPress, blogging, Hubbub, Hubbub’s Save This feature, social media, and the importance for publishers to own their own audience. Honorable mentions are Flipboard and Mastodon. At the end of the episode Steve always asks his guests…

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  • My appearance on The Food Blogger Pro Podcast Episode 437

    As I mentioned last week on Mastodon, I was invited, along with NerdPress CEO Andrew Wilder, on The Food Blogger Pro Podcast. Here is the episode: It is also, of course, available wherever you get your podcasts. Here are some useful links to the episode in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Overcast. The conversation was wide…

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  • My appearance on This Week in WordPress #285

    My thanks to Nathan Wrigley for having me as a guest on This Week in WordPress #285. (YouTube/Apple Podcasts) Show notes There are a few links on the WP Builds website for this episode but I thought I’d share some of the links I mentioned in the episode as well. It was a lot of…

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