Author: Colin Devroe
Jack Baty on Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Jack Baty: Almost lost me in the first 15 minutes. Way too silly for its own good. Felt to me like they took what they thought made the first film successful and just cranked up those bits. I enjoyed the middle portion, so stuck with it. If I had written a review, this would be…
Morning on Penn Avenue, Scranton, PA – August 2017
Morning on Penn Avenue, Scranton, PA – August 2017
Bank Towers, Scranton, PA – August 2017
Bank Towers, Scranton, PA – August 2017
I want a dual-camera, edge-to-edge screen, waterproof iPhone SE
I miss my iPhone SE. Everything I ever wrote about it here on my blog was awash with my overwhelming love of the device. I still believe it is the best phone Apple has made to date. The only reason I use an iPhone 7 Plus is the camera. I said I wouldn’t switch from…
Pedometer++ 3.0
_DavidSmith: I’ve been steadily working on Pedometer++ now for nearly four years. Over that time the core conceit of the app has remained the same, to motivate you to be more active. It has done this with colors, confetti, complications and streaks. Now I’ve added another tool to hopefully motivate, achievements! Pedometer++ continues to be…
LEVY, Penn Avenue, Downtown Scranton, PA – August 2017
LEVY, Penn Avenue, Downtown Scranton, PA – August 2017
Ben Franklin Techventures, Bethlehem, PA – August 2017
Ben Franklin Techventures, Bethlehem, PA – August 2017
Colin Walker on the Summit beta
Colin Walker: I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the time I’ve spent beta testing Summit and look forward to the new builds. Colin has provided excellent feedback on Summit. So have so many of the beta testers. I too am looking forward to publishing new builds. If you’re on the beta list (which you can get on by…
The Carbondale Grand Hotel & Conference Center, Carbondale, PA – July 2017
The Carbondale Grand Hotel & Conference Center, Carbondale, PA – July 2017
What I saw this week #49: August 25, 2017
Here are a few things that I think you should see. Video: Casey Neistat travels to see the eclipse – I regret not making plans to travel to see totality. Not just because of the myriad of stories I’ve seen over the last few days. But they don’t help! Chris Brolin thinks you should go…
Colin Walker on thinking out loud on his blog
Colin Walker: It’s always a little weird glancing at my visitor stats and seeing that someone has read a post that no longer reflects my position. 100% agree. Most of my posts are out-of-date and my opinions have changed slightly since I’ve written them. I love this bit: This is why I always refer to…
Deep Learning and Siri’s voice
Apple: The training speech data contains a minimum of 15 hours of high-quality speech recordings sampled at 48 kHz. We segmented the speech into half-phones using forced alignment, i.e., automatic speech recognition to align the input phone sequence with acoustic features extracted from the speech signal. This segmentation process results in around 1–2 million half-phone…
Presenting at the August 2017 Lehigh Valley Tech Meetup
The Lehigh Valley Tech Meetup is an excellent community in the Lehigh Valley that meets monthly at the Ben Franklin Technology Partners incubator within the Lehigh University Mountaintop campus. The community around the meetup is excellent and the building is amazing*. While the tail-end of my presentation walked through my experience building my first iOS…
Capturing the ISS’s transit of the Sun during the eclipse
This is quite a feat. Photographer Trevor Mahlmann figured out where you’d need to be within the path of totality in order to capture the International Space Station transiting the sun during the eclipse. That alone is pretty awesome. But there was a hitch. The land area that you’d need to be on in order…
Fred Wilson’s public record
Fred Wilson: AVC has been going on for almost 14 years now. I write every day, mostly about tech and investing in startups and observations about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. He goes on to say that this has created a public record. A record that shows when he was right and when he was wrong. And…
Repost: Dan Kimbrough on Twitter
☞ Dan Kimbrough: Cool new step counter, created here in #nepa.
Amber Leigh Turner on Bullet Journaling
Amber Leigh Turner on trying bullet journaling: And I was hooked. I knew this was a way to not only help me get back on track and focused, but would pull me out of the rut and the mess I made. I needed some way to keep track of my goals in my personal life, business…
Martin McCallion on Text Editors
Martin McCallion: If you work with plain text, as I prefer to, then you probably try out different text editors from time to time (or, you know, constantly). For a long time I used plain text files via nvAlt (as McCallion does). I miss plain text files. Then I moved to Simplenote. Then for a…
Summit – The Adventurous Step Counter
This evening, at a presentation at the Lehigh Valley Tech Meetup, I’m opening up public beta access to my new iOS app, Summit – The Adventurous Step Counter. I’ve stitched together a temporary web site for the app as well as a mailing list that will allow you to get access to the final few…
Curry Caputo quits vlogging
Curry Caputo, cousin to vlogging legend Casey Neistat, is hanging up his hat when it comes to recording, editing, and publishing daily videos and will now post whenever he feels like it instead. It was an incredible run. Kudos to him for doing it as long as he did.
Daring Fireball at 15
John Gruber: 15 years ago this week, I started Daring Fireball with this piece on a then-new lineup of PowerMac G4’s. I’ve been subscribed to Daring Fireball since that first post. In fact, I’m a card-carrying member (when John was selling Memberships) and have more than one t-shirt. DF has set the standard for what…
The “I’d like to suggest an edit to one of your blog posts with this link” scammers can just forward their requests to my trash bin.
Blank by Cotton Bureau
Cotton Bureau: Size-inclusive, made-in-the-USA, better-fitting, premium t-shirts for women and men. I wore a Cotton Bureau tee on Tuesday of this week (thanks Kyle). It felt great. It looks like these new carefully considered tees will be even better than the high-quality product they already offer. /via Kyle Ruane on Twitter.
John Quincy Adams on GTD
Not really. Maria Popova on the always excellent Brain Pickings re: John Quincy Adams and his thoughts on getting things done, learning, and wasting time: Years earlier, in observing his own habits of mind in the course of his voracious self-education, Adams had become aware of the meager correlation between effort exerted and results obtained…
What I saw this week #48: August 18, 2017
Adam Savage visits Third Man Records – I’m a huge fan of everything Jack White is involved in so this was an instant-watch for me. It also reminds me that I need to go through and prune some records from our collection to make room for some newly pressed ones. Ready Player One trailer breakdown…
Vines – July 2017
Vines – July 2017
The State Street Grill, Clarks Summit, PA – August 2017
The State Street Grill, Clarks Summit, PA – August 2017 I had a recent business lunch at The State Street Grill and finally remembered to add anchovies to my Caesar Salad. It was delicious.
Hudson River, Newburgh, New York – August 2017
Hudson River, Newburgh, New York – August 2017 On a recent weekend trip Eliza and I ate BBQ on the Hudson. It was a gorgeous weekend in the Hudson River Valley area.
Zach Leatherman’s garden
Zach Leatherman: As my own little corner of the web uncermoniously turned ten years old this year, it’s really starting to feel more like a garden than a piece of software. I certainly enjoy tending to it. I can plant what I like and with proper care it can grow into something useful. First, how…
E18: Ground Digger Wasp In late-July I stumbled upon a large mound of sand at a construction site that had several large wasps digging holes. I had never seen a wasp that large in my life. Turn your volume up for the tail end of this audio bit. Links Video: Ground Digger Wasps in Australia. Look a bit narrower…
Favicons on tabs in browsers
John Gruber: With many tabs open, there’s really nothing subjective about it: Chrome’s tabs are more usable because they show favicons. Like John, I’m currently a Safari user. I switched to Chrome for a bit due to the Developer tools being a bit better at the time but, as you may know, I’m trying to…
Field of gold – July 2017
Field of gold – July 2017 It is easy to take for granted the amazing landscapes that the area I live in affords. Much of what I see during my short hikes would be jaw dropping to lifetime city dwellers. I need to keep reminding myself of that.
Replies from and oh hai, comments
If you visit my site at all you may have noticed many of the recent posts have replies showing up on them from Here is one example post. That is because webmention works pretty well on However, this is causing me a bit of frustration because it feels as though the conversation about…
Repost: Phil Schiller on Twitter
☞ Phil Schiller: Celebrating #HyperCard (I created some insane stacks in the day…)
Ron Chester on Webmentions
Ron Chester: I have only one reservation about the development of this IndieWeb stuff. While it is in progress, most of these websites have disabled regular comments, if they ever had them. Often there is also no contact information given, or it takes a lot of hunting on their websites to find it. So if…
E17: Crickets in a field
In late-July I went for a hike and recorded this audio bit. Links Photo: The grass I mention Photo: The jake I mention Download MP3
My personal blogging tips
I’ve been writing things down on my own blog for a few decades. I wish more people did too. If you’d like to have a personal blog but struggle finding things to write about, here are a few tips that may help. Don’t post about what you will do, post about what you’ve already done…
Attending the August NEPA.js Meet up
The NEPA.js Meet up is really hitting its stride. Each meet up is pretty well supported – even in the summer – and the camaraderie and general feeling around each event is pretty great. Also, the Slack channel is pretty active. If you’re within an hour or so of Scranton I’d recommend joining the meet…
Marisa McClellan on the early days of blogging
Marisa McClellan: I miss those early days of blogging, when you didn’t need perfect pictures and a post didn’t require a vigorous social media campaign in order to find some readers. Those days aren’t over Marisa! We’re still here. Still posting imperfect pictures!
Sunset, Scott Township, PA – August 2017
Sunset, Scott Township, PA – August 2017 Earlier last week Eliza and I went to an invite-only wine release tasting event. Posh, I know. But we had a great time and look forward to doing it again. The sunset was lovely that evening – as it has been most of July as afternoon thunderstorms make…
What I saw this week #47: August 9, 2017
I’ve been slacking off on these link lists since I’ve been posting a bit more. But here are a few stragglers that didn’t make the cut as their own posts. Beethoven v. Coldplay – Total fire. Berlin Typography – Typographi auf Berlin ist zer güt. Is that right? I don’t know but the typography of…
Following Twitter accounts via RSS
I haven’t missed Twitter that much since deleting my account. The first week or two I missed Moments – but once that subsided I realized that Moments are generally a waste of time. Realtime reporting of most newsworthy events result in ill-informed, unsubstantiated tweets. I’m at a point now where I’d much prefer to get…
Mirage: A world living on top of reality. I played around with the app this afternoon. It is very rough. Super frustrating to try and use. But I sincerely hope they continue to pull this thread. I hope to see a lot more of this type of thing over the next 36 months. /via Andy…
Not a dinosaur egg – July 2017
Not a dinosaur egg – July 2017 You have to wonder, though, what amount of water moving at what speed over what duration would it take to make this stone look like this? I’m no geologist but I’d say a lot, fast, and a fair amount of time geologically speaking.
Tim Cook on ARKit
Tim Cook, in a recent quarterly earnings call for Apple, on ARKit: One of the most exciting and most promising announcements from WWDC was ARKit, a new set of tools for developers to create augmented reality apps. It’s still early in the beta period, but it’s clear that ARKit has captured the imagination of our…
Webmention on
Manton Reece: We’ve been improving’s support for Webmention. When you reply to a post on, from the web or iOS app, it will ping the site you’re replying to, giving that site a chance to include the comment. Kudos to Manton as Webmentions seems to work beautifully is The improvements show and…