Author: Colin Devroe
Coffee bean counter, Duffy’s Coffee Company, Clark’s Summit, PA – November 2017
Coffee bean counter, Duffy’s Coffee Company, Clark’s Summit, PA – November 2017 This being my day 4 photo challenge entry.
Firefox Quantum released
Mozilla: Firefox Quantum is over twice as fast as Firefox from 6 months ago, built on a completely overhauled core engine with brand new technology stolen from our advanced research group, and graced with a beautiful new look designed to get out of the way and let you do what you do best: surf a…
Test: GIF of waterfall
This was harder to create from a Live Photo than it should have. And I don’t like the result. But, such is life. Publish! This being my day 3 photo challenge entry.
Duffy’s Coffee Company, Clarks Summit, PA – November 2017
Duffy’s Coffee Company, Clarks Summit, PA – November 2017 This being my day 2 entry of the photo challenge.
Train mailboxes, Steamtown Museum, Scranton, PA – November 2017
Train mailboxes, Steamtown Museum, Scranton, PA – November 2017 This being my Day 1 Photo Challenge entry for squares.
Horace Dediu on Apple Watch revenue
Horace Dediu: From a revenue point of view, I believe next year’s fourth quarter will see the Watch generating higher revenues than the highest quarter for the iPod. Let that sink in. Amazing. Some flop.
Doug Lane’s photo challenge
Doug Lane: I thought we could start on Saturday (Nov. 11) and go for seven days. He has a theme for each of the 7 days. I’m in.
Twitter’s new character UI
Josh Wilburne, Designer at Twitter: With this in mind, we designed a system that defines two types of written languages, dense and non-dense, and expands the character limit for non-dense languages. By grouping languages this way, we can give people writing in non-dense languages like English and Spanish the same space to express themselves as…
Apollo for reddit
Apollo: Apollo is built by a former Apple employee with feedback from thousands of Redditors to sculpt the best client possible. It features a beautiful, native iOS design, smooth, customizable gestures, fast loading pages, a supercharged Media Viewer experience, a powerful, full Markdown editor, a Jump Bar for lightning-fast navigation, and so much more. You…
Waymo is running trials without drivers
Darrel Etherington, for TechCrunch: Waymo is operating at full Level 4 autonomy, sharing public roads with human-driven cars and pedestrians, with no one at the wheel able to take over in case things don’t go as planned. See also, my prediction time capsule.
Condron Media podcasting audio test (audio)
Tucker Hottes and I are setting up new equipment for a forthcoming podcast from Condron Media. We’re looking for feedback in the comments on how the audio sounds. Thanks in advance for your feedback. Download
Prompton Lake – October 2017
Prompton Lake – October 2017
August’s kilonova in NGC 4993
Robert Naeye for Astronomy magazine, on the instrumentation that detected a 130M year-old kilonova: The LIGO and Virgo instruments detected a crescendo of waves for a whopping 100 seconds — much longer than previous detections. The duration, amplitude, and frequency of the waves had all the characteristics that theorists have expected for a binary system…
A technology predication time capsule
Readers of my blog will know that I occasionally attempt to predict when certain technologies that I write about will hit the mainstream. While I’m very passionate about a few technologies, I try to temper that excitement with the experiences I’ve had, the wisdom that comes with age, and other factors. Usually, things take a…
The number of liquids, ointments, gels, and creams I purposefully rub onto my body on a daily basis has increased exponentially with age.
\”My Fares\” by Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez: It was not unusual to see shoe-shiners outside of Grand Central. They’re not there anymore. I think it’s a Banana Republic now. Incredible photo portfolio backed with incredible stories. /via Kottke.
\”My Fares\” by Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez: It was not unusual to see shoe-shiners outside of Grand Central. They’re not there anymore. I think it’s a Banana Republic now. Incredible photo portfolio backed with incredible stories. /via Kottke.
\”My Fares\” by Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez: It was not unusual to see shoe-shiners outside of Grand Central. They’re not there anymore. I think it’s a Banana Republic now. Incredible photo portfolio backed with incredible stories. /via Kottke.
\”My Fares\” by Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez: It was not unusual to see shoe-shiners outside of Grand Central. They’re not there anymore. I think it’s a Banana Republic now. Incredible photo portfolio backed with incredible stories. /via Kottke.
\”My Fares\” by Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez: It was not unusual to see shoe-shiners outside of Grand Central. They’re not there anymore. I think it’s a Banana Republic now. Incredible photo portfolio backed with incredible stories. /via Kottke.
\”My Fares\” by Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez: It was not unusual to see shoe-shiners outside of Grand Central. They’re not there anymore. I think it’s a Banana Republic now. Incredible photo portfolio backed with incredible stories. /via Kottke.
\”My Fares\” by Joseph Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez: It was not unusual to see shoe-shiners outside of Grand Central. They’re not there anymore. I think it’s a Banana Republic now. Incredible photo portfolio backed with incredible stories. /via Kottke.
An interview with Dan Rubin by Polaroid
My boy Dan Rubin on the Polaroid OneStep 2: First of all, it’s insanely exciting to see a brand new instant camera with the Polaroid name on it. The OS2 is a brilliant point-and-shoot camera — great for capturing life as it happens, especially with the built-in flash. I’ve been shooting with mine for nearly…
Corn – October 2017
Corn – October 2017
iOS shelf apps
Des Paroz: One of the great things about iOS 11 is the multitasking capability, and with it the emergence of so-called ‘shelf’ apps. I had never heard of the term "shelf apps" until I read Des’ post.
Rob Weychert reflects on 10 years of tweeting
Rob Weychert, reflecting on 10 years of Twitter usage, and the next 10: I don’t know how the positive experiences I’ve had with Twitter stack up against the harm it’s caused, and I don’t know if I’ll be writing another post like this ten years from now, but I’m glad to have had the opportunity…
Finished The Wright Brothers by David McCullough ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. So much to glean.
Prompton Dam, Prompton State Park – October 2017
Prompton Dam, Prompton State Park – October 2017
Creating Summit: The current summit view
This post is the first in a series of posts about my experience building and designing Summit. This post focuses on just one view within the application; the current summit view. The idea for Summit came nearly 4 years ago as far as I can tell. I’ve hunted around for scraps of paper, digital notes,…
Cedar Ave. Scranton, PA – September 2017
Cedar Ave. Scranton, PA – September 2017
Repost: Daman Rangoola on Twitter
👉 Daman Rangoola: Random iOS 11 bug: type 1+2+3 quickly in the stock calculator app, see what happens. Bet it won’t say “6”.
Apple picking – October 2017
Apple picking – October 2017 Eliza and I did some apple picking last weekend. We ate as many as we could while picking and then she made apple butter with our take.
Attending October’s NEPA.js meet up
On Tuesday, October 10 I attended October’s NEPA.js meet up. John George of NEPA Web Solutions was this month’s presenter and his topic was Bitcoin and the Blockchain: Democratizing How We Exchange Value. I believe all members of NEPA.js would agree, John’s presentation was arguably the best presentation the meet up group has had to-date.…
First week of the NBA season has been pretty dramatic. I like it.
Developers, Let me tell you about Microsoft (audio)
I’ve been writing about Microsoft’s moves for the last three years. This week everything has come together and I’ve been writing my first multi-platform application using C# and Visual Studio. In this long rant I go on and on about how Microsoft needs to spread the word about what they are up to. Links for…
GeekWire Summit: Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft
Satya Nadella in a video interview on YouTube at GeekWire Summit: By the way, all of these efforts didn’t started three-and-a-half years ago. It was Bill [Gates] who started MSR and Steve [Ballmer] who started our cloud push. A sprawling, candid interview with someone who may end up being Microsoft’s best CEO. I love that…
Be a social developer
Dwayne Hinterlang on CodePen: What if I told you there are even ways to connect with like minded people in person? Whether it’s quickly learning something for the first time, discussions of discoveries, pulling all nighters to breath life into an idea or even devoting yourself to achieving mastery! We can do them together. Online…
Ron Howard: Hey #Twitterville we just wrapped production so here’s a special message #StarWars Follow the link for his video. Cute. Howard seems to be having a ton of fun with this, which I think is great given the circumstances he walked into. I also think the name is great. It is what Jabba calls…
Listening to Manton’s 70th episode of Timetable. I like the "out and about" feel of it. It is similar to what I like to record for my audio bits.
ESO observes kilonovae
European Southern Observatory: ESO’s fleet of telescopes in Chile have detected the first visible counterpart to a gravitational wave source. These historic observations suggest that this unique object is the result of the merger of two neutron stars. The cataclysmic aftermaths of this kind of merger — long-predicted events called kilonovae — disperse heavy elements…
- for Mac beta Mac users can use the native for Mac app. It’s a free download and supports most of the same features as the iOS version. You can see a short video of it on Manton’s blog. You’ll even notice a rather handsome avatar make an appearance. Unfortunately I cannot give this a spin yet…
Mina Markham: In August, we released a major redesign of, and we want to give you a peek behind-the-scenes. She goes on to show tons of details on their latest redesign. There are several bits I found interesting such as their attention to accessibility, how they handle fall backs for IE11, and how they…