My appearance on The Food Blogger Pro Podcast Episode 437

As I mentioned last week on Mastodon, I was invited, along with NerdPress CEO Andrew Wilder, on The Food Blogger Pro Podcast.

A promo graphic for the episode. Text: "Future-Proofing Your Content with Colin Devroe & Andrew Wilder". Left to right: Me, Bjork Ostrom, and Andrew Wilder.
Me, Bjork Ostrom, and Andrew Wilder

Here is the episode:

It is also, of course, available wherever you get your podcasts. Here are some useful links to the episode in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Overcast.

The conversation was wide ranging covering our acquisition of Grow Social Pro from Mediavine (which is now Hubbub), our plans for Hubbub, the social media landscape, Flipboard, and of course the fediverse.

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