Android 10 apps that support Dark Theme

Ben Schoon:

The majority of Google apps support this system-wide toggle, but few third-party developers have followed the company’s lead. Here are some non-Google apps that support Android 10’s dark mode toggle.

He lists a number of apps that support the OS-level option. Outlook claims to support it, but I have it installed and updated and cannot see the option yet. So perhaps it is something they are able to roll out?

There are also some of Google’s own apps that have yet to be updated; Play Store and Gmail being two big ones.

I’m looking forward to updates to Instagram, Facebook, Microsoft To-Do, WhatsApp, Twitter, WordPress, Untappd, Teams.

Some apps have a dark theme, but they don’t support the OS-level option.

We’re in an odd territory right now of support of this feature. I think it is going to be a bit of a mess for at least 6 months to a year.

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