I’m old, so I can still call them tweetstorms rather than threads.
I just posted a tweetstorm regarding Photos for Mac on Catalina. I posted it there because I’m sort of hoping that a few Apple people are still lingering on the WWDC hashtag.
Here are my tweets:
- I have the second-best computer you sell, and facial recognition is going on weeks to make a dent in my photo library.
- How can I gracefully quit ‘photoanalysisd’ when I want to unmount an external drive? Getting sick of “Force Ejecting” (though I do love how that sounds like a Star Wars reference)
- Is there any way to ask Photos to start its processes again after mounting an external drive?
- Why would Photos just stop “thinking”? How do I “jiggle the handle”? Notice CPU usage. The app is open and in the background – should be using 100% of CPU to work. (See Figure 1)
- I created a Smart Album to find unnamed Faces. Maybe you can add this directly to Photos as a feature? It makes it much easier to find photos that have faces but Photos doesn’t know their name. (See Figure 2)
- I’d like an option to delete a photo from the hard drive when I delete from the Library. Is this possible and I’m simply missing it? As of right now, I have to “Find referenced file in Finder” and delete both in Finder and in Library.
- Can I move a Photo Library from an external drive to the local drive and all of the references will stay in tact?
- The Places feature works on individual people or if I search for a location but the map feature under Places in the sidebar shows no photos at all.
- Can you add progress indicators throughout the app? Importing shows progress, but it’d be nice if facial and object recognition or other tasks gave some indication of “doneness”. As it stands, it appears as though Photos is broken. But I know it isn’t. It’s just “thinking”.
- Exporting original photos should retain all metadata (unless specified to remove in preferences).
- Bonus: Adding descriptions or keywords, etc. should be stored directly on the file itself. It can be stored in the Photos database too. But storing on the file itself makes Photos for Mac “future proof” a bit.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Who knows. Maybe someone will read those tweets.