Davy Jones owes me five bucks!

Here is the shirt that I wore to Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest.

"Davy Jones owes me Five Bucks!"

Eliza, being the ultimate Jack Sparrow fan (read: Johnny Depp infatuation), wore her own custom tshirt to the premier.

"Mrs. Jack Sparrow"

I believe in retrospect, Eliza would have rather written "Mrs. Captain Jack Sparrow", but hindsight is 20/20 as they say.

We weren’t alone though, as a few friends joined us for the second installment in this three part series. I’m looking forward to the next episode.

Oh as a type of haiku review; the movie was a fun ride, and Davy Jones rules.

[tags]pirates of the caribbean, movies, photos[/tags]

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