9rules downtime

For anyone that checks my site, or will check my site, to see what is up with 9rules.com being down, it is due to a large scale power outage, in combination with a few generators becoming flame-throwers. So, it will be back up as soon as they can get everything together.

Side note: The team at Media Temple called me the very moment they knew something was up. Talk about service, these guys are great.

From what I’ve been able to determine, this effected all of Media Temple (mt) and DreamHost, as well as several smaller hosts (obviously those that resell for the above).

It is Friday night anyways. Go out, grab a beer, and watch some fireworks. That is what I am going to do.

Update: – We’re up and running.

[tags]9rules, media temple, mt, dreamhost, hosting, downtime, power outage[/tags]

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