Weigh in: Week Seventeen

Not too much to tell with this weigh in. This past weekend we went down to Hershey and actually went to the park. Ice cream, chocolate, ham burgers, french fries, beer, and hoagies (or subs as some of us classify them) contributed to me not losing any weight, but I didn’t gain any either.

I wasn’t trying to lose any weight this week, and I am not sure that I will actively try to lose much more weight – as I just want to decrease my overall body fat.

Something else I wanted to mention was that there are a lot of people that actually want to start a diet and yet haven’t yet. To those people I tell you, after the first few days of dieting you will regret not having started your diet earlier. When is the perfect time to start your diet? Yesterday! You will be really really happy that you did.

[tags]diet, the diet, weigh in, hershey park, food[/tags]

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