My appearance on Lunch Meet

My appearance on The Vloggies at South by Southwest was supposed to be nearly immediately followed by an appearance on Lunch Meet – a show hosted by Eddie Codel where you’re able to discuss and demo your product.

Boy am I glad that we waited until the Web 2.0 Expo to do this, since Viddler launched version 2.0 only a day or so before Eddie and I sat down to record an episode of Lunch Meet. This meant I was able to show off Viddler’s latest features instead of just talking about them.

Eddie is one heckuva nice guy and really shows Viddler off well. We had some horrible wi-fi while in the Moscone Center, and we encountered a few bugs and mishaps due to that bandwidth problem, but Eddie did a fantastic job to show off Viddler in its best light. Since this interview there have been numerous bug fixes going on at Viddler (which I’ll note soon enough).

Thanks Eddie and the entire Podtech team for treating us so well. Comments welcome.

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