In fact, it could be argued that Atlantis was ever lost at all – but that isn’t why I’m writing this post.
How awesome is this blog post from Google? A few weeks ago (and I’m just getting the chance to read this now) there was some rumors being spread around the Interwebs that some sort of city-like pattern had been found on the ocean floor just off the coast of Africa. Then, of course, someone had to say the word Atlantis and the two stuck together. Well, Google took the time to squash those rumors and, at the same time, give a little more information out about how all of this data was retrieved in the first place, and why these anomalies show up the way they did.
I like that Google squashed this rumor. But I like even more the fact that they didn’t use a simple blog post to say "No, that isn’t Atlantis". They asked Walter Smith and David Sandwell, two Oceanographers at the top of their fields, to comment on the rumor, Google Earth, the process of retrieving this data, and proof positive that this wasn’t Altantis.
I love everything about this post, down to the title: Atlantis? No, it Antlant-isn’t.