Random 60: How many different kinds of fruit have you eaten?

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Random 60: How many different kinds of fruit have you ever had? Favorite on Viddler.

Did you catch that? Right in the middle of today’s Random 60 I decided to switch this episode from "favorite fruit" to something much more interesting – how many different kinds of fruit have you had?.

My favorite fruit is grapes, because wine is made from them. So feel free to answer both questions in the comments if the mood strikes you.

I’d have a very tough time putting together a complete list of the different kinds of fruit I’ve ever had in my lifetime. But I certainly know that I’ve never had every type of fruit on this awesome planet. So, today’s to do is to try a new type of fruit you’ve never had and report back here! I’ll report in when I’ve tried a new fruit too.

What is your favorite fruit and how many different types of fruit have you had?

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