The Thank You Economy, a new book from Gary Vaynerchuk

My friend Gary Vaynerchuk, whom I’ve mentioned before, has a brand-new book that is now available for pre-order. It is called The Thank You Economy and it is an excellent follow-up to Crush-It! which made both The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal Best-Seller lists.

Here is the description of the book from the website:

"The world of business is coming full circle. The rise of the Internet and the empowerment of the common consumer has created a fundamental shift in how businesses are expected to behave. To take advantage of this opportunity, businesses will need to look backwards and scale the caring their grandparents’ businesses exhibited towards their customers or watch their competition pass them by."

I think everyone can agree that modern day businesses don’t feel nearly as warm and cozy as the businesses of yesteryear. If anyone can instruct today’s businesses on how to use the social web to "scale caring" – Gary is the man to do it.

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