
The team behind AllThingsD, a property of the Wall Street Journal, has just launched "a new tech and media news, reviews and analysis site" re/code. And it seems that it will just be the beginning of much more to come.

We are thrilled to announce that we are forming our own new and independent media company, Revere Digital, with a pair of respected investors and partners — the NBCUniversal News Group and Terry Semel’s Windsor Media. Revere will be operating news sites and apps, as well as a series of conferences.

In addition to the site comes Code Conference, which seems to be a shadow of the D Conference, and comes with a whopping $6,500USD entry fee. So, I can say with some confidence that I’ll never be able to afford to attend but I hope to enjoy the videos afterwards.

Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg, the two founders and leads behind this new site, are very well-respected in the tech news community. Kara gets the scoop from time-to-time, especially on Yahoo!, and Walt has been reviewing tech since before I built my first computer. So, of course, this new site and conference will likely be well done and respected all the same.

The content on the new site seems pretty good for the first day out and the chatter on the web seems positive too. The one thing I would have liked to have seen was a departure from the normal, tired, "show as many ads on a page as possible" layout/model. I can’t imagine the re/code team loving it either but it is a means to an end I suppose.

Not all tech news sites can be The Verge I guess.

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