Communication for America

Jeremy’s title. Not mine.

Jeremy Keith chimes in about remote work (see last post) and the advantages the “time shift” can have when working on large client projects:

As it turned out, it wasn’t a problem at all. In fact, it worked out nicely. At the end of every day, we had a quick conference call, with two or three people at our end, and two or three people at their end. For us, it was the end of the day: 5:30pm. For them, the day was just starting: 9:30am.

We’d go through what we had been doing during that day, ask any questions that had cropped up over the course of the day, and let them know if there was anything we needed from them. If there was anything we needed from them, they had the whole day to put it together while we went home. The next morning (from our perspective), it would be waiting in our in/drop-boxes.

In the very late part of the last century and into this one I worked with an entire team in India on a software project. When things were really cooking we also found a similar groove where I’d come into work each day to a pile of work having been accomplished by that team, some questions, comments, feedback, and stuff I could deal with. I’d work through it during the day and send it back. It was like project tennis and it forced each team to deliver something almost every single day. It worked great.

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