What I saw this week #43: June 9, 2017

I know, I know. I’ve missed a few. You’ll get over it.

Paleobiology Navigator – "PBDB Navigator allows users to explore the Paleobiology Database through space, time, and taxonomy." If you know me at all you know that this literally burns hours and hours and hours of my time. In a good way.

The Stratolaunch – This thing is massive. More here and here.

Evergreen – An open source feed reader for the Mac. It is very, very early so I only recommend this for people that love to see software getting built in realtime.

The all-new Skype – A massive, massive update to Skype.

Video: Murder on the Orient Express – I read the Agatha Christie novel over a vacation break within the last few years. Strong cast.

Beren and Lúthien – Speaking of books, JRR Tolkien has a "new" release.

Fireflies – This is a really great teaching tool but also fun to play with.

Author’s note: This list, which I try to get out weekly, is far from exhaustive. My guess is that if I were to share every URL that I come across in a given week it wouldn’t be very fun to read through. Based on a cursory glance at my browsing history across multiple devices this list would easily be 100 URLs strong on light weeks. Also, due to a Chrome bug that I’ve found (which I’ve mentioned multiple weeks), I have had an unreliable browsing history to look through. This has caused me some frustration because I want to share more links in these posts. However, I think I’m starting to find the serendipity of this list to be part of the fun. If a URL makes the cut, through some random pattern of circumstance, then that’s cool. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. C’est la vie.

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