Give 2.0 features a try for free

Manton Reece:

For the 2.0 launch week, we’ve enabled the new bookmark archiving and highlights feature for everyone to try out.

Personal blogging has gotten a big boost over the last several years. In part due to people’s abhorrence of the policies of the social networks du jour, but also as a direct result of existing.

You can, and presumably will always be able to, syndicate your own web site to for free. You can follow and comment there as well for free. But these two features Manton mentions are new and are a paid upgrade. So it is nice to have a week to play with them.

Seems like now is a great time to give 2.0 a try on the web, on your computer, and on your phone.

See also: Manton with the new features in 2.0.

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