Wishes for Apple’s Fall Media Event

On Tuesday Apple is holding its Fall Media Event. Thanks to a rogue Apple employee, who I can only imagine is packing their personal affects as I type this, the rumor mill has been working overtime and it appears as though we “know” just about every detail one could imagine prior to this event short of Eddy Cue’s untucked shirt color.

Based on those findings it appears that most of the things I am wishing for won’t come to fruition. Fortunately, most of my wishes have to do with how Apple will market their products and less to do with the hardware itself.

However, rumors are just rumors and, no matter how well sourced things may be, all sorts of details can be inaccurate, vague or completely wrong.

So here are my wishes for Tuesday’s event.

  • The new iPhones should be called the iPhone, iPhone Plus, and iPhone Pro. Based on the iOS 11 GM leaks it appears as though I won’t get this wish – but I feel like the number-based naming is long-in-the-tooth and doesn’t fit other products that Apple sells like the iPad, MacBook, or iMac. “IPHONE X” is a terrible name.
  • The new Apple Watch with LTE should be slightly thinner. I’ve long thought the Apple Watch is slightly too thick. Though it appears the shape and size are going to be exactly the same as the previous editions of the Apple Watch.
  • Touch ID should be included in the Power Button on the side. I’m all for getting rid of the Home Button but Touch ID is far too nice to see it gone forever.
  • A new Apple TV with better remote, 4K support, and Amazon Prime Video app.
  • I’ve already described the iPhone SE I’d like to see released though this likely won’t happen until springtime.
  • And lastly, I’d like a presentation about Apple Park. It doesn’t seem like they will have enough time for much more than a short tribute to Steve Jobs in this new theater named after him – but it would be nice to have an official presentation about the new campus.

As an aside: I wonder if anyone has thought of the possibility that the iOS 11 GM leak was done on purpose by Apple for some reason? That they are making sure to set expectation regarding the Home Button and Touch ID being gone?

I’m excited for Tuesday.

Oh, and I already have a post I plan to publish on the day iOS 11 is released. So watch for that.

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