What I saw this week #33: February 17, 2017

Oristand – Want to try a standing desk? This is a pretty inexpensive and portable way to try it.

Houdiniopoly – A local Houdini Museum is creating a boardgame and kickstarted the idea. They’ve already met their goal.

Video: MSFT’s hardware testing center – Cool behind-the-scenes look at one of Microsoft’s facilities.

Drones over Dubai – (more like drone helicopters for people) I’m really glad to see something like this happening somewhere in the world. Of course, Dubai is ahead of the curve.

MSFT Aerial Platformer – Built ontop of the Unreal Engine, MSFT debuted a new way to simulate flying a drone and using machine learning as well.

Video: Nerdwriter covers Arrival – I got the Bluray this week. Watched the extras (they are great). Looking forward to rewatching the movie this weekend sometime.

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