What I saw this week #28: January 13, 2017

Video: What Comes Next is the Future – A documentary-style look back at the evolution of the web, and its underlying technologies that make it up, using interviews with those who have crafted and curated those technologies.

Advanced Symbols in Sketch – A great tutorial by Matt D. Smith.

Atom Dash – Via Lauren Pittenger on Twitter comes this handing Atom package that makes looking up documentation syntax with Dash quick and easy. Nice find.

Pricing Strategy for Creatives – An A List Apart article from 2012 that every freelance creative should read each January as they realign their pricing (and their strategy behind how they price things) for the year.

What Tim Ferriss learned in 2016 – I didn’t listen to this audio. But scroll down to his list of links and cherry pick some things. This week I’ve found "Making Oprah" to be an amazing podcast to listen to. I think I’ll be digging through Tim’s list for weeks.

This Day in Dinosaurs – Just subscribe. Or Follow. Or Like. Via Mandy Pennington.

How to be a Type snob – What is a serif? Is that Helvetica? Learn how to be a type snob. Via Brett Terpstra.

RAISR: Rapid and Accurate Image Super-Resolution – This is incredible, incredible stuff. Google, and the Google Photos team, are creating high quality versions of low resolution images. I’ve always said "you can’t do that" when a TV show actor says "enhance" on a grainy image. Well, guess what? Now they can.

The greatest chess game ever played – There is chess (like, moving the pieces). Then there is what real chess players play.

Opera Neon – A new browser from Opera. Slick.

Vermont’s Maple Syrup logo – Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

The Dawn Journal – I mentioned the Dawn Journal in April of 2015 but it deserves another nod. Dig into a few posts. Marc Rayman really brings it to life.

tecBRIDGE Radio Episode 2 – The second episode of tecBRIDGE radio dropped this week and the third will be available on Saturday at 11:30am. You can subscribe in iTunes and on Google Play by searching for tecBRIDGE.

Prince Rupert’s Drop – Never heard of this before. Fascinating stuff.

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