A date picker to schedule posts in WordPress

On Sunday mornings I make some coffee, sit down at my computer, and choose 7 images to publish to my blog throughout the week. After I’ve chosen and edited the images I schedule them in WordPress to be published each morning at around 9:00am. I can then go about my week knowing that each day there will be a new image automatically published to my site.

There was a problem though. I think in days not dates. Like, "what image should I post on Wednesday?" instead of "what image should I post on the 12th?". So when I used WordPress’ default date selector for scheduling the post I found myself wishing that I could see what day each date was.

So I searched the plugin directory but I didn’t find anything (more on this in a second). I was surprised. So, I quickly cobbled together a plugin of my own which I’ve open sourced on Github this morning. And, while I’m not finished with it, it works. I can see which day each date of the week is and that helps me. So now my Sunday morning’s will be a bit happier.

It turns out there is a plugin for this, which Sal Ferrarello linked me to in the BurbsWP Slack, called Publish Date DatePicker. I don’t think I found it because I searched terms like "scheduled posts" and "date picker" with a space in the name. Oh well. Now I have my own and I plan on improving upon it slightly before I roll it together as a release.

Update: To make sure you have the latest version of this plugin visit the releases page on Github.

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