Weigh in: Week Sixty Four

Five weeks ago, when I weighed in at 191.2 pounds, I said "Time for a shift back to doing well with regards to food and hopefully I can get back to my normal exercise routine very soon. My goal for next week is to be down 2 pounds.". The goal came and went and due to relative inactivity I’ve gained even more weight.

Sometime last week we’ve finally made final preparations for our upcoming vacation and, as these types of things always seem to do, this spurred me to hop back up on the horse.

My weigh in today does not reflect my exact weight currently. It reflects my weight when I weighed in at the time I decided to start dieting again and when I set my new goal.

I weighed in at 196 pounds the other day. I’m certain my weight gain has more to do with me simply not keeping track of it than anything else at this point. I’ve proven my abilities to lose and maintain as long as I continue to monitor my weight. So that is what I am going to try to do – continuously weigh in.

My goal is to weigh in at 185 pounds on September 18th. Four Tuesdays from today. Eleven pounds in a single month is not out of the realm of possibility, especially considering I’ve already lost a little weight over the weekend.

This morning I awoke to seeing this comment on my week fifty nine weigh in:

"So… It’s 5 weeks later, Mr. “I’m a bad, bad dieter!” (”Hello, Pot.” “Hi, Kettle.”) How’s the diet going? I lost 2.6 pounds over the last week, since I finally decided to get serious about it after a string of bad weeks. How about you?" commentedWally Hartshorn

This is exactly the type of "calling out" I need from all of you. Probably just as much as you need the very same from me! So lets try to keep better tabs on each other again. It worked for us before and it can help us all again (including me).

Thanks for calling me out Wally. Congratulations on losing a few pounds last week. Let’s chat again next Tuesday to check in on each other.

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