Tag: jack-baty

  • Johnny•Decimal

    Johnny•Decimal: When we kept everything on paper, organised people had these things called filing cabinets. They stored all of their documents in them in a structured way so that they could find them again. Now those same people store all of their files in arbitrarily named folders on their company’s shared drive and wonder why…

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  • Jack Baty’s bad film experience

    Jack Baty, 11 years ago: I ran out of film while on a deserted island. I set the ISO incorrectly on my OM-1, overexposing the roll by 2 stops. I opened the bottom of the Leica M7 before rewinding the roll. I had only a 28mm prime lens with me when what I needed was…

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  • Jack Baty on being burnt out of film photography

    Jack Baty: The trouble, I’m finding, is that I don’t really like the results I’m getting. I’ve shot maybe 20 rolls of film this year and a couple dozen large format negatives. Not a ton, but I’ve gone through them and there are only a handful that I really like, and most of those I…

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  • Jack Baty gives up on Lightroom

    Jack Baty: I’m here to tell you that I can not make it work for me. There’s too much overhead in having to decide what to add to a synced collection and when. And where to keep any synced originals? Do I do that in both apps? And so on. I seem to end up…

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  • We got blogging right 20 years ago – Jack Baty

    Jack Baty: Looking at my blog from 2003 makes me think we got blogging right early on. Yep. Everything else has been additive. But a blog from 20 years ago, like mine, would be just as good today as then.

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  • Jack Baty on follower counts

    Jack Baty: Years ago on Twitter, I would use follower counts as an indicator of authority or perhaps as a way to gauge someone’s impact on a community or topic. With so many followers, he or she must have useful or interesting things to say, right? That probably wasn’t a great way to think about…

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  • CNN lite

    Remarkable find by Jack Baty, CNN Lite: I could not love this more. Can we get all of the news sites to do this? I can’t tell if this is official or not. Either way, bookmarked.

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  • Jack Baty: “Please just start a blog”

    Jack Baty on his rather handsome looking new blog: Would you all please just start a blog? I don’t care which platform you choose. Pick one and publish. Cross-post or don’t. Implement Webmentions or don’t. Allow comments or don’t. Tweak the design to within an inch of its life or don’t. Publish long posts or…

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  • Jack Baty on Guardians of the Galaxy 2

    Jack Baty: Almost lost me in the first 15 minutes. Way too silly for its own good. Felt to me like they took what they thought made the first film successful and just cranked up those bits. I enjoyed the middle portion, so stuck with it. If I had written a review, this would be…

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  • Likes vs. Saves

    Many social networks are adding "Save" in addition to "Like". You can see this now on both Instagram and Facebook. You can "like" something and tell the publisher of the content that you like what they published and you can also "save" the post (presumably to find it later). Mature content publishing platforms need both…

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