Tag: codepen

  • What I saw somewhat recently #90: January 6, 2022

    At a recent distillery tasting Wow, 90 of these. I hope at or before 100 I go back through them all and pull forward some of my favorites. I hope most of these links still exist! You may see less of these types of posts since I’ve left social media behind and I think I’ll…

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  • Boring is good in software development

    I use the term “boring” here to describe that which isn’t brand new. Sometimes we’re only excited about the new. The new car! The new house! Rather than being content with what we have, because it works or is paid off or we’re familiar with every nook and cranny, we sometimes can get wrapped up…

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  • Be a social developer

    Dwayne Hinterlang on CodePen: What if I told you there are even ways to connect with like minded people in person? Whether it’s quickly learning something for the first time, discussions of discoveries, pulling all nighters to breath life into an idea or even devoting yourself to achieving mastery! We can do them together. Online…

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