Tag: observatory

  • What I saw somewhat recently #72: December 3, 2020

    I haven’t made one of these lists in a little while, opting instead to publishing far more status updates to my site that include links. I go back and forth in my head all the time which I prefer.

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  • Damage at Arecibo Observatory

    Arecibo Observatory: One of the auxiliary cables that helps support a metal platform in place above the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, broke on Monday (Aug. 10) causing a 100-foot-long gash on the telescope’s reflector dish. Operations at the UCF-managed observatory are stopped until repairs can be made. Y’all know I’m a big fan of…

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  • Keystone Observatory from above – September 2017

    Keystone Observatory from above – September 2017

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  • Clark Telescope, Keystone Observatory – September 2017

    Clark Telescope, Keystone Observatory – September 2017

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  • Visiting the Keystone Observatory 2013

    I try to get to the Keystone Observatory at least twice a year in the spring. It is only a few miles from our home and a great way to think about all things extraterrestrial. Last night I took my nephew Ethan. We saw Jupiter with four of its moons (one of which was transiting Jupiter), Saturn and two of its moons, Castor and Pollux (binary stars part…

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  • Public night at the Astronomical Observatory

    Last night Keystone College’s Thomas G. Cupillari Astronomical Observatory was open to the public, and so Eliza, Chris, Andrew, and I took the short ride out to take advantage of the exceptionally clear skies. I could not be happier with my decision to go. We had a great time learning about, and gazing at, our…

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