Tag: machine-learning
Microsoft: CaptionBot.ai is powered by machine learning technology that identifies and captions your photos. When you upload a photo, it is sent to Microsoft for image analysis to return a caption. We won’t store, publish, or let other people use your images. I uploaded a few images. It works pretty well. I’m unsure of this…
Spotify’s Discover Weekly Playlist
Sophia Ciocca: This Monday — just like every Monday— over 100 million Spotify users found a fresh new playlist waiting for them. It’s a custom mixtape of 30 songs they’ve never listened to before but will probably love. It’s called Discover Weekly, and it’s pretty much magic. I’ve mentioned Spotify’s playlists before. They are incredible. They are…
Deep Learning and Siri’s voice
Apple: The training speech data contains a minimum of 15 hours of high-quality speech recordings sampled at 48 kHz. We segmented the speech into half-phones using forced alignment, i.e., automatic speech recognition to align the input phone sequence with acoustic features extracted from the speech signal. This segmentation process results in around 1–2 million half-phone…
Apple Machine Learning Journal
Apple: Welcome to the Apple Machine Learning Journal. Here, you can read posts written by Apple engineers about their work using machine learning technologies to help build innovative products for millions of people around the world. The first post Improving the Realism of Synthetic Images is already live.