Tag: jen-simmons

  • CSS Grid

    CSS Grid is rolling out to browsers. Firefox already, Chrome this week. Eric Meyer: For well more than a decade now, when asked what CSS needs more than anything, I’ve said it needs real, actual layout.  “A layout-shaped hole at its heart” is a phrase I may have used a fair few times. A nice…

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  • Stop worrying, hit publish

    Jen Simmons, on her blog: So I have nothing much to say in this post. Or more honestly, I have so freaking much to say, I don’t know where to start. So I’m going to start here. I just need to break the silence. And get into a habit of posting. So I’m posting this.…

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  • My #FollowFriday recommendations

    Today I decided to go through the list of accounts that I follow on Twitter and cherry-pick those I think others should consider following and why. I’ve tweeted all of the suggestions but I also wanted to catalog them here on my blog. @jensimmons – Jen is writing tons of CSS tests so you don’t have to.…

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