Tag: flipboard

  • My appearance on The PublishPress Podcast

    My thanks to Steve Burge for inviting me on to The PublishPress Podcast. In this episode we chat about NerdPress, blogging, Hubbub, Hubbub’s Save This feature, social media, and the importance for publishers to own their own audience. Honorable mentions are Flipboard and Mastodon. At the end of the episode Steve always asks his guests…

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  • ActivityPub will cross the chasm in 2024

    In 1991, Geoffrey A. Moore described the challenges of introducing new technology products as Crossing the Chasm. The chasm is this very real gap between the earliest adopters and the early majority adopters of any new technology. By crossing the chasm, the momentum gained usually enables the technology to find market fit. Most protocols, standards,…

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  • RSS is not dead. Subscribing is alive.

    Sinclair Target, writing for Motherboard: Today, RSS is not dead. But neither is it anywhere near as popular as it once was. This isn’t the first nor the last article to cover the creation of the RSS standard, its rise to relative popularity with Google Reader, and its subsequent fall from popularity. But the big…

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