Tag: driving

  • Texting while driving

    Bloomberg: The data support the generally-accepted wisdom that despite laws, penalties and reminders of the hazards of cell phone distractions while behind the wheel, drivers continue to put themselves and others on America’s roads in grave danger. Do the world a favor. Grab a nearby friend or family member and show them how to turn…

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  • Self-driving car accidents (because, humans)

    Ryan Beene for The Seattle Times: What they’ve found is that while the public may most fear a marauding vehicle without a driver behind the wheel, the reality is that the vehicles are overly cautious. They creep out from stop signs after coming to a complete stop and mostly obey the letter of the law…

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  • E2: Milk basketball

    On a short drive I talk about an annoying habit that I have. http://cdevroe.com/media/audio/e2.mp3   Download MP3

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