Tag: bird
Common Merganser takes flight triptych
Common Merganser takes flight triptych – April 2020 Sort of a triptych I suppose. I wish I had set the camera to a much faster shutter speed but I just didn’t have the time.
Wildlife from recent quarantine walks – March/April 2020
Looks to me like a red and grey squirrel mix Male Cardinal Male Mallard Sparrow taking flight Freshly flowered Forsythia Possible bilateral gynandromorph Cardinal (male and female) Nuthatch Chipmunk Male Garter snake Common Merganser Turkey Vulture Nutchatch Wildlife from recent quarantine walks – March/April 2020 I’ve been shooting mostly digital during our as-often-as-possible nature walks…
Connecticut weekend vibes – August 2019
Connecticut weekend vibes – August 2019 Eliza and I enjoyed a gorgeous weekend in Connecticut this weekend with my sister and her family.
Florida wildlife – November 2018
Florida wildlife – November 2018 My big brother Derrick, my cousin Kelli and I went for a paddle off Weedon Island and also visited a local preserve. Florida’s flora and fauna are very different from what I’m used to in Pennsylvania. It was very cool to see a variety of things I don’t get to…
Brisk late-afternoon photowalk, Downtown Scranton, January 2018
Brisk late-afternoon photowalk, Downtown Scranton, January 2018 I saw the sun hitting the tops of the buildings and quickly ran outside for a brisk photowalk.
Harris’s Hawk, Mexico – August 2017
Harris’s Hawk, Mexico – August 2017 These hawks were used to keep the pesky, french-fry thieving, gray birds away from the tourists. Most effective.
Turkey, Archbald, PA – July 2017
Turkey, Archbald, PA – July 2017 This young Jake wanted blood. He spotted me from about 50 yards away and decided to come investigate. I crouched behind a bush and got smaller and smaller to try not to intimidate him and he got within a single yard from me. I have it all on video.