Tag: barley
Brent Simmons’ blog turns 20
Brent Simmons’ blog has turned 20 years old. A fantastic milestone! But, it was this bit that I wanted to comment on: It‘s tempting to think that The Thing of my career has been NetNewsWire. And that’s kinda true. But the thing I’ve done the longest, love the most, and am most proud of is…
Manton Reece: A long-overdue product is difficult to push forward, the weight starting to carry as much burden as potential. And everywhere I look there’s a new excuse to procrastinate. Boy does this resonate.
E7: The advantages of underestimating
Would I have begun work on Barley 2 in November of last year if I had fully known the amount of work it would be to complete it? Maybe not. But I’m glad I didn’t know and I’m glad I didn’t chicken out. http://cdevroe.com/media/audio/e7.mp3 Download MP3
A fun first week at “home”
It has been a fun week. Kyle and I started working from our home offices and I’ve made dozens of tweaks to my personal site and my IFTTT recipes for cross-posting so that I can share from my site first. I’m pretty happy with where this is going. Let’s start with a few questions and…
Fits and starts and homesteading
I annoy myself. I want to post content to my own personal site and not through closed social networks — because I want to keep control of everything I create forever. But the networks are so easy to use and work everywhere and more people read them than read this site. Over the years I’ve…
Presenting at the NEPA WordPress Meetup
Tonight I had the privilege of presenting at our local NEPA WordPress Meetup. We were also privileged to host the event at our space in Carbondale, PA.  My presentation was entitled The History & Future of Inline Editing. I’m sure there will be a video posted online as soon as it is ready.
My interview on The Way Station
On App.net I asked if anyone had a podcast that I could be a guest on. And, wouldn’t you know it Noah Read had one and graciously invited me to be a guest on The Way Station. We had a nice, relaxed, geeky chat about my career, about Plain and Barley, and a bit about…
Thanks to everyone who helped make Barley for WordPress a reality
Inspired by Shawn Blanc’s post wherein he thanked the people that helped make The Sweet Setup a reality I thought I’d take a few moments to thank everyone that helped make Barley for WordPress, our team’s inline editing plugin for WordPress, a reality. A plugin of this scope has no one author. It takes an…
A case for something, anything more simple than WordPress
There is a growing sentiment that WordPress – though incredibly well supported and ubiquitous – is simply far too complex for some projects and for some customers. Obviously, I think so too. That’s why my company is building Barley. Here are a few other notable people that seem to believe the same thing, that while WordPress…