Original design
Original design
Lingdong Huang
Lingdong Huang
Michele Fletcher
Michele Fletcher
Dark Mode
Dark Mode
Dark mode with stars
Dark Mode w/ stars

Stupid – A word game, April 2022 – ongoing

In early April 2022, after playing many daily games of Wordle with friends and family, I decided that I should build a word game too. Stupid is, as it is named, a stupid word game.

The object of the game is to unscramble a single word per day. You are given the letters for the word, with one random letter missing. You have two guesses and two backspaces (essentially, four tries) to get it right. The game features artists within its UI by showing their artwork and a link to their website. This game is still under active development. Blog post about its development coming soon.

You can play for free at stupidwordgame.com
