Few experiences have the serenity of kayaking on a lake. Especially in the evening at sunset. If you haven’t kayaked, I highly recommend it.
For years I kayaked very regularly. These days, I hardly ever do. But it is something Eliza and I want to return to. I’m hoping that writing it down will force me to get back at it. And fishing. I miss fishing.
Lately I’ve been reading, watching, and listening to so many people mention that they love the open web and seeing so many people return to their personal websites or using more open platforms. Me too! The amount of beautiful, fun, unique, niche, and did I say fun? websites I’m seeing these days is off-the-charts.
I’ve written this before; I don’t think the open or independent web ever went away. Yes, some people slowed down or stopped blogging in favor of siloed social networks. And billions of other people, who had never blogged, jumped onto those same silos. So it seemed as though blogging shrank. But I would argue it never really did. It has grown and continues to grow. And what we’re seeing now is the return of the web professional to their home gardens. And for that I’m very happy.
As I mentioned on Mastodon, Eliza bought me a Barbour jacket for our 25th anniversary. I’ve wanted one for longer than I can remember. I always have a hard time spending money on clothing for myself and an even harder time on what I consider fairly expensive clothing. I love it!
Progress on the prep for the addition to our home is happening much more rapidly now. I have no misconceptions about how this process is going to be very hard and disruptive – I know it will be. When it is moving too slow you wish it would go quicker and when it is moving quickly you wish it would slow down. I suppose that is all of life.
I’m nearly 44 years old. I wear Crocs and a fanny pack. And I don’t care who knows it.
OK. Now, for some links.
- Sentinel – Impressive embroidery from Marine Beaufils (on Mastodon).
- Music for Programming – A very fun website. The creator’s profile is on X and I refuse to link to it since you cannot see it without signing in.
- Drone flies up Mount Everest – DJI video of the route all the way up Everest. I’m exhausted just watching it.
- Kind of Bloop Vinyl – Andy is selling vinyl copies of Kind of Bloop on the 15th anniversary of his masterpiece.
- PsychOdyssey – I’ve been making my way through Double Fine’s documentary of making Psychonauts 2. I realize the documentary is edited for time but wow these people have a lot of meetings where only one person speaks or seems to have their opinion heard. I don’t think I could ever work at Double Fine.
That’s it for now!