Do you still use film?

Peter taking a picture with his digital camera

My brother taking a digital photo

Film vs. Digital. There are very obvious pros and cons to both. On the one hand, the quality of photos taken on good film is vastly superior to those taken by your digital camera. Yet, the immediacy of digital photos, the ease of being able to get them into your computer to send across the globe, and the ability to create projects like books, calendars, etc – make my personal choice lean towards digital.

Do you still use film? If so, why? Is it because of the quality alone? Is it because you think this "digital thing" is only for the casual photographer?

I have a few friends, and relatives, that are still working with film. And some of them have real reasons, others simply have not yet had the time/money/reason to purchase a digital camera yet. Which is fine, but they’ve expressed that they eventually would like to "go digital".

If you have not made the switch yet, I’d like to know if you have reasons. If you are a professional, do you use film or digital?

Oh, and one more question, if I may. If you use digital, what megapixel are you currently storing your photos at? For no other reason than price, Eliza and I are at 5.1. Someday we’ll get ourselves a really professional camera – since we love photos so much.

[tags]cameras, film, digital[/tags]

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