Weigh in: Week Twenty Nine

This weekend I ate the worst food I have eaten in more than twenty nine weeks. We got together with some friends on Friday night and Saturday night and we at "junk food".

When you are invited to a friend’s house for a party, or have one for yourself, and everyone brings "whatever" it seems that the "whatever" ends up being the worst possible stuff your body should ever consume. I think the next time we plan something, it will be a health-food energized event. Vegetable medleys, fruit salads, and water. Some party that will be! But at least I won’t feel as bad as I did on Sunday after having eaten like I did.

All of that being the way it is. The regular gym visits prevail on keeping my weight under control. I weighed in at 189.4 pounds, down 0.6 pounds from last week. These types of things really keeps me happy about joining the gym and motivated to continue to go regularly.

This week, my goal is to have a really great week on the gym front as well as my food in-take. What are your goals this week?

[tags]weigh in, diet, the-diet, gym, food, party, goals[/tags]

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