Am I the only one that can’t access

Can someone, or all of you reading this, please let me know if you can get to Viddler‘s site?!

In fact, while you are at it – let’s have all the "lurkers" come out and leave a comment on this post. Its de-lurking time!

Hit up Viddler’s site, let me know if you can get to it. If you can not load their site – please let me know your Internet Service Provider and/or town you live in. I have a feeling this might just be a local DNS problem since I can not find too many people that are having the same issues that I am when I am connected to my home network.

Thanks in advance!

UPDATE – As of about 30 minutes ago I am again able to access the site.

According to my ISP:

There was a router at MCI that was down which shut off access to several sites. — "Matt" – Adams Cable Service

I had asked if he knew how wide an outage this was (I was mainly concerned with somehow deriving the number of people that could not access Viddler), and he was not sure. I’m pretty sure the number of people unable to get to Viddler was relatively low, but I’m also pretty sure that it wasn’t limited to my ISP only.

If you have any information on this, or were affected during this time, please let me know. In the future when something like this arises I’d like to know who is to blame, how many people are being effected, how it can be fixed, and most importantly – how it can be avoided.

Thanks to everyone that IMed me, emailed me, and commented letting me know what their experience was.

[tags]viddler, delurking[/tags]


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