Weigh in: Week Forty Two

I was unable to weigh in last week due to being in Texas. I’m actually surprised by this morning’s weigh in because obviously my diet was thrown by the side while I was in Texas and then I’ve been sick since I came back.

This week I weigh 192.2 pounds which is a loss of 1.9 pounds from last week. Obviously by going away I got knocked off my goal by one week, but I’m actually just happy that I didn’t gain any weight while eating at random restaurants and bars.

I also wanted to take the time to acknowledge James Mathias‘ recent Weighed Down By Numbers entry. In it James says:

"Why am I telling you this? To make a point. Weight in numbers is the last thing in the world that you should be paying attention to when in process." … "Weighing yourself is, unfortunately, going to be a necessary evil overall, but it should be done less and given less “weight” in terms of a measure of progress."

James was doing a single post per month, and I am not sure if that coincides with when he actually got onto the scale, but obviously that is what works for him. Then we have the people that weigh themselves every single moment of everyday, and then I fit somewhere in the middle. I try to weigh myself once per week. It allows me to practice what I preach in my Five questions for successful dieters entry. One of my tips was that you set small, and large goals. I set a healthy goal of about two pounds per week, but I set monthly goals of eight pounds per month or so. This way I do not get discouraged if I miss a small goal because I have a large goal to aim for still.

Point is: I think all of these methods work for different people but James’ words still ring true. If you are completely focused on the numbers you may allow them to begin to take over and make you feel a certain way about yourself – and that will never be a motivating factor.

Thanks for your wise words James – you’re an inspiration to many.

[tags]diet, the-diet, james mathias, weigh in[/tags]

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