Weigh in: Week Forty Nine

I knew this wouldn’t be a week for loss and I thought it’d actually be a week for gain, but it turned out that even after taking a weekend vacation and eating whatever I wanted – I was able to just about maintain my weight from last week (186.6).

This past weekend Eliza and I and a few friends headed to the Finger Lakes region in New York to try and buy some wine. As is typical with vacations my "diet" went from eating specific amounts of specific foods to eating "whatever was available" in quantities that were chosen for me. With most of our meals the food was delicious – in fact – I did want to make sure I mentioned that if you ever have the chance to eat at the Seneca Harbor Station, do it. Every single dish that we ordered (of which there were seven of us), was excellent.

We managed to play a bit of frisbee, football, and the age-old classic hacky sack while we were in New York so that helped a bit with burning off a few of the calories from the food and wine.

All in all a good week – and I’m looking forward to getting back on track and getting to my goal.

[tags]diet, weigh-in, the-diet, finger lakes, vacation, new york[/tags]

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