Mobile photos now here, more to come later

When I launched the photos section last September, I knew I’d be making incremental updates to how the site handled, displayed, and aggregated them compared to normal posts. I’ll be doing the same thing with mobile photos.

Starting today, mobile photos that used to show up on my Flickr account, will now be on my site. You can see the first one which is a photo of the TVs in the lobby at ViddlerHQ. I plan on adding a new section, to the main navigation, to handle mobile photos and notes that I post while on the go – but I’ll worry about that later. I am going to wait until I get a few mobile notes and photos up before worrying about how the site handles them.

Thanks to Owen Winkler, via Twitter, for hooking me up with this plugin that enhances WordPress’ built-in email-to-post functionality. Now, from my iPhone, all I need to do is select a photo and email it to a special email account I’ve created, and it will be posted here on my site within 5 minutes of me emailing it. Works like a charm.

As with the Photo section, all will be available through the feed – so there is no need to change subscriptions up at all.

I’ve also modified the way that my automated processes for notifying Twitter and Pownce of new mobile photos works. Now, both of these processes are pointed at this sites feed, rather than at Flickr. So all links will be pointing back to here instead of there, and will be for any new post not just mobile photos.

Another big step forward in bringing it all together. For those taken notes, I’ll be digesting the entire strategy to bringing all of my content onto my site sometime in the future when I’m nearly done. For now, subscribe to my feed, if you’d like the play-by-play of how I’m experimenting with this.

Next up? Links. (But probably not for a few days.)

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