A few steps closer to bringing it all together

You may have noticed a few new categories here lately. I’ve been making a few adjustments, tweaks, additions, and edits to this site since making my goal to bring everything together here.

Here is how things are going down now, how each category will be used, and what the next steps are.

  • Notes have been here since the beginning. I struggled with the name of this category ever since I created it, but since I don’t feel I ever write anything worth of the name "articles" or the like – I decided Notes was sufficient.

  • Photos is a photo gallery of some of my choice shots. Before I can fully take advantage of this section of my site, I think I need to work on how I process my photos. In other words, I need to make publishing photos a little bit easier than it is now.

  • Mobile notes and photos need the most work to be sure. But at least I have the process of writing/publishing them down fairly well where it is very little work for me to do. Mobile notes may need to be published differently as the iPhone mobile admin for WordPress is far too slow to use very often.

  • Links is something I am going to a lot more of going forward and I’m still toying with leaving commenting on or off, but I’m really enjoying this new section.

  • Videos will probably end up being the last section of the site I work on, since I have a lot of backlogged videos on Viddler, that I would eventually like to have represented, permanently, here on my site.

Now begins the process of redesigning this site to fit these new sections. The highly-customized theme I am using now is simply not cut out for having so many areas of interest, and for displaying them each in their own unique way. Besides, I’m sick of the site’s current layout and so it is time to begin redesigning the site from the ground up with these new sections in mind.

Most of the new sections are not represented, in any way, from the front page of the site. Many of them do not display the way I’d like them to, and the index pages for each section are not customized for each of their purposes. For all of these reasons I’m going to design each and every page to be significantly different than what you see now.

I’ve also ditched Feedburner. They are having a slight outage this morning, which caused me to even remember I was using it, and so I’ve since turned it off. I never looked to see how many people I had subscribed to this site, I never used the built-in ad system, and so having it on has done me very little good. If you could, take a moment to see if you are subscribed to my feed URL. If not, update it, so that you are sure to continue to receive updates.

Now, for the biggest challenge of this process yet – designing the site! Please bear with me as this process may take a little while, and there are a few bugs on my site now since I’ve been cramming all of this junk in.

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