Yearbook Project: Excelsior 1968 by John Martz

Why, oh, why did I ever stop reading John "RobotJohnny" Martz’s blog?  Somehow in my efforts to slim down my number of feeds, his site got the axe, and hasn’t returned – until today.

John recently redrew his mother’s entire yearbook from 1968.  Or, at least the portraits therein.  I like how he described his process to cartooning:

"Good cartooning, to me, is all about simplification, and this was a fun experiment in distilling each person’s likeness down to a simple cartoon version and learning to draw efficiently, with both speed and as few details as possible."

I don’t see how he could have approached such a large project otherwise.  All-in-all John drew over 1,000 faces for this project, and they all look really great.

Source: Yearbook Project: Excelsior 1968 –

Flickr set of all faces: Excelsior 1968.

Store: Buy the book for $7.00!

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