Tony Green sorta made cherry pie

Photo credit: Tony Green

My friend-who-I-never-get-to-see Tony Green recently enjoyed a delicious cherry pie.  The title of his post is "First Cherry Pie", which I thought meant that he made it, but it seems he had help from his significant other.

"I didn’t grow up eating fruit pies (homemade or otherwise) other than the occasional Tastykake. Around 1980, however, I had an epiphany in the form of a transcendent slice of cherry pie at O.G. Dining Room (in Greenwich Village). Since then, cherry pie has been my favorite fruit pie.


Cherry pies usually sport a lattice crust, which neither of us had ever made. Fortunately, the directions in Baking Illustrated were straightforward. I made the dough, which was a little different from what I usually make. It had more flour and water and less fat (I used a combination of lard and unsalted butter). The dough was easy to roll out and turned out better than it usually does. Anne made the lattice crust as well as the rest of the pie; I just took pictures."

Emphasis mine.

Either way this pie looks delicious and now I’m wanting Tony to share the recipe and lattice crust instructions with the world instead of just the photos!

Source: First Cherry Pie.

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