Origamido – The way of folded paper.

That Hawaiian beat just keeps on coming!

While at Podcamp Hawai’i Eliza and I met a lot of interesting people from all over the globe. One man, Richard Alexander, had a pretty exciting story to tell. You see, he’s into origami. He and his partner, Michael LaFosse, own a studio for working with handmade paper to create stunning works of art.

Origami bat Origami goldfish Origami Pangolin Origami goldfish

Richard Alexander

Many of the works by the Origamido team are made with single sheets of paper made from materials that they’ve gotten from all over the globe. A remote desert, materials from Japan, and wood from a rain forest, are only some of the examples I heard Richard speak of. The two photos I’ve included in this post show how realistic their work turns out. Each of these examples, the bat and goldfish, are made from a single sheet of paper. Amazing.

The exciting part of Richard’s story is that they are moving from Haverhill, Massachusetts to Waikiki, Oahu, Hawai’i. Richard’s reason for being at Podcamp was so that he could learn a little bit about New Media, and how he could leverage it to promote their new 2,000 sq. ft. space in the International Market Place in downtown Waikiki.

While Eliza and I (more Eliza than I) were doing laundry at one of the local laundromats, of all things, Richard Alexander walked by. He had just signed the lease on his new space and the laundromat was directly in-between the location of the new space and his apartment. I was eating a Puka dog. Richard, walking by, says: "Colin?". We were both surprised that we bumped into each other again. He immediately offered to take us over to see the new, completely empty space that he had just signed the lease on. I’m looking forward to returning to see what he and his team end up creating there.

If you get a chance, and are in Waikiki, head down to the International Market Place and visit Origamido on the second-floor. I think you’ll be more than impressed with what they do.

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