KFC’s Double Down Chicken Sandwich. Deplorable. I need one.

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"If it tastes good, it is probably bad for you." We’ve all heard this saying and for the most part it is true. Although I tend to like all food (my vice in life) – most of the food that you crave, that you pine for, that you’d be willing to walk 12 city blocks in the middle of the night in New York City for, is typically not all that good for you. Heck, I’d be willing to say that the food usually has as much nutritional value as… well, I simply can’t think of anything worthless enough to make my point.

The Double Down sandwich from KFC

Today while catching up on Tumblr I ran across Kyle’s ‘reblog’ of KFC’s Double Down chicken sandwich, which he found through Justin Blanton, and I was all at once appalled, intrigued, and overwhelmingly desirous of the sandwich. Let’s take these emotions and elaborate on them one-by-one.

Justin Blanton succinctly stated, after finding out that KFC had a sandwich that – instead of using bread as its primary means to package the contents of the sandwich – uses fried chicken to keep its bacon and cheese filling neatly packed, "Of course they do". This is where the appalling feeling came from. Of course KFC would be so brazen as to offer a sandwich that would smash together bacon, cheese, and fried chicken.

But, then came the intrigue. Remember the days of The Atkin’s Diet? The diet that pretty much said "bread is bad". That anything that has a carbohydrate in it will go straight to your hips! That if you so much as look at a plate of pasta you’re bound to never fit into swimsuit ever again! So is it bad that KFC had done what any good Atkin’s dieter had been doing for years… remove the bread from the sandwich and only offer the innards as the meal. Take away the carbs, eat the fat.

Then, like a torrent river of blood that started in my ears and went to my toes, the desire to eat one of these seemingly delicious, incredibly irresponsible sandwiches surged through my body. I must have succinct friends because Kyle simply stated "Wow. I need to try this." and I have to agree with him. Even though I want to try this I’d be kidding myself, and lying to you, if I didn’t say I need to try this.

Hey Kyle, the next time I’m in town we’re going to find a KFC and document the noshing of this Atkin’s Diet friendly abomination. Because we need to.

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