Going a little command line crazy

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I’m not sure why but I’m on a command line kick lately. Not just the Tron Legacy style for Terminal but I’ve now begun using iTerm2 as my Terminal application of choice. I have it in a second Space on Mac OS X fullscreen with 3 shells running.

The first shell is 50% of the screen split vertically. The other two are each 25% of the right-side of the screen split horizontally. This way I can edit files in the left hand pane via Pico or Vim, use Git in the lower right-hand corner and be SSHed into my server in the top right. Here is a screenshot.

The inspiration for this came from constantly seeing my fellow Viddler team member Todd Troxell rock the command line exclusively. Dude is hardcore and seldom uses any UI save for the Web itself.

Today I’ve used [Lifehacker’s guide to using Notational Velocity via the command line](http://lifehacker.com/5592047/turn-your-command-line-into-a-fast-and-simple-note taking-tool) since I was already using Notational Velocity app on my Mac, Simplenote on my iPhone and iPad I figured I might as well add the ability to edit these same files via the command line. Thanks to Dropbox all of these files are kept nicely in sync between all of my devices. It is sort of like living in the past and the future at the exact same time.

Now I just need to update my Tron Legacy style for Terminal to work with iTerm2 and I should be pretty well set to be about as geeky as I’ve ever been.

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