My iPad 3 event predictions

Looking at Apple’s invitation to March 7th’s iPad 3 event may give away exactly what is on the agenda. This wouldn’t be the first time Apple has dropped not-so-subtle hints in their invitations.

Here is the short list of things I think Apple is hinting at with their invitation.

Retina Display. If you’ve ever used an iPad or iPad 2 you will immediately notice the resolution on the iPad in the invitation as being much better than the current models. So, while I think this was a given, they certainly confirmed it for me.

Maps update. I think the Maps app will get updated signifigantly. Not only do I believe that Apple will drop Google Maps as their API-of-choice to power the application I think, as a result of Apple’s acquisition of C3 Technologies, the application will come with even more 3D-powered features.

iWork update. iWork on the iPad is incredibly powerful and, I’d guess, popular. A nice update to these applications would be welcomed.

No more home button? This one is simply conjecture but the invitation, if the iPad is in portrait, shows no home button on the iPad. I think the iPhone, iPad, iPod having a home button is incredibly useful and I can’t imagine life without it – but the home button has also been one of the main components of these devices to end up giving users trouble. So perhaps Apple has found an even better way. We’ll see.

I think the iPad 3 will have a better camera (ala the iPhone 4S), faster processor, more storage (iBooks are coming in at Gigabytes a piece), and perhaps more RAM.

Here is an off-the-wall prediction: colors. The iPad comes in white and black fronts. I think if Apple is really going to go after the school market they might consider giving people color choices. I realize that Apple’s own iPad Smart Covers come in a variety of colors but I think the iPad may come in more than the current choices too.

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