Chris Bowler on saving content for later

Chris Bowler on finding, and even trying to build, a service that helps him to store more link types for later:

The issue is that none of the services I’ve seen fit allmy requirements. Instapaper is primarily a tool forreading later. Same for Readability. But I come across items on my iOS devices that require another look when I get back to my Mac. Items to archive (whether in Yojimbo, Pinboard or my bucket of choice,Gimme Bar). Designs to explore further. Videos to watch. Technical resources to investigate, then archive. Apps to purchase.


His post talks a lot about Pocket and since I haven’t had time to write much about Read It Later’s pivot (forgive my use of this buzzword), and his opinions align fairly closely to mine, I recommend giving his entire post a read.

My ideas for Nilai far outreach anything that Pocket is currently attempting to solve. But, like Bowler’s Pinbox, most of those are still on the drawing board.

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